ADR Instructions in writing

Download the instructions in writing free of charge by clicking on a flag below.

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Skriftlige anvisninger

Instructions in writing

Schriftliche weisungen

Skriftlige anvisninger på fransk
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Instrukcje pisemne

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Rašytinės instrukcijos

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Instrucţiuni scrise

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The written instructions can also be ordered in our webshop in laminated versions.

The written instructions comply with the layout and content requirements set out in the ADR agreement. They are provided with red hatching on the sides to make them easy to identify and thus meet the requirements of the ADR agreement that the written instructions must be easy to find. At the same time, we have provided them with national flags to facilitate the identification of the different language variants.

All language variants can be downloaded in raw unprocessed versions from the UN website.

As an aid in an emergency that may occur or occur during transport,instructions in writin must be carried in the driver's cab of the vehicle and must be easily accessible.

The instructions must be given by the carrier to the crew of the vehicle in a language that each member can read and understand.

This is stated in section 5.4.3 of the ADR agreement. In the case of a transport under the ADR small load exemption (, the instructions in writing may be omitted.